We’ll go in reverse order over the next few weeks, which means today, we’re tackling snackable content.
Why are we doing snackable content first? Because I’m on a diet, famished and if I can’t talk about something snackable, I’m going to go back to weeping uncontrollably in front of the padlocked fridge.
Also, snackable content is an easy concept and one that you can start doing today.
What Is Snackable Content?
Snackable content is any type of content that can be digested quickly and still seem satisfying. It’s basically the difference between a New York Times expose and a USA today infograph (for those of you old enough to remember newspapers).
Think of the last time you were scrolling past video posts in your social media newsfeed of choice. How likely were you to click on a fun clip that had a length of under :30 versus a clip that was two minutes or greater? Probably a lot more likely to click on that first video, right?
Long-form content (and yes, videos over one minute are now considered long form) definitely still have a place, but it’s not the content people search for when they’re browsing. They need to be in the mood for the longer blog posts and deeper content.
Give Them A Taste
With Snackable Content, you can give users a little taste of what lies in store in your long form content. You let them sample your flavor, your level of saltiness, how good your content is for them. And if all is to their liking, then boom, you have a regular diner.
Basically, you’re using small pieces of easily read, easily understood, easily shared original information to gain their trust. Once they trust you, they’ll stop commenting with TLDR and will give your real content a chance.
All Snacks Aren’t Created Equal
Brief isn’t better. Just writing a mini-blog doesn’t satisfy anyone. For a snack to be a snack, it needs to be sweet, it needs to be satisfying, and it needs to be sharable.
The Wrapper – Use visuals like photos or animations to grab their attention.
The Sugar – As sugar appeals to the stomach, your content should appeal to the heart.
The Nuts – Slip in some protein (hard data) as infographics.
The Serving Size – Take the five good points of a blog and make them into five mini-blogs. Just keep the size small enough that it doesn’t interrupt the flow of their scrolling by too much.
The Fun – You know those boring candy bar commercials? Exactly. There are none. Keep the entertaining, keep the fun, keep the funny.
Questions? Ready to Get Started?
If you have questions or would like to get started, please give us a call at (312) 834-7787 or visit our website to request a free quote and consultation.